S. 1874 (99th): Education of the Deaf Act of 1986
A bill to authorize quality educational programs for deaf individuals, to foster improved educational programs for deaf individuals throughout the United States, to reenact and codify certain provisions of law relating to the education of the deaf, and for other purposes.
Sponsor and status
Nov 21, 1985
99th Congress, 1985–1986
Enacted — Signed by the President on Aug 4, 1986
This bill was enacted after being signed by the President on August 4, 1986.
Pub.L. 99-371
Senator for Connecticut
NOV 21, 1985
Bills and resolutions are referred to committees which debate the bill before possibly sending it on to the whole chamber.
MAR 19, 1986
Ordered Reported
A committee has voted to issue a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.
MAY 6, 1986
Passed Senate (House next)
The bill was passed in a vote in the Senate. It goes to the House next. The vote was by Voice Vote so no record of individual votes was made.
JUN 26, 1986
Passed House with Changes (back to Senate)
The House passed the bill with changes not in the Senate version and sent it back to the Senate to approve the changes. The vote was by Voice Vote so no record of individual votes was made.
JUL 17, 1986
Senate Agreed to Changes
The bill was passed by both chambers in identical form. It goes to the President next who may sign or veto the bill. The vote was by Voice Vote so no record of individual votes was made.
AUG 4, 1986
Enacted — Signed by the President
The President signed the bill and it became law.